This is what happens when we leave doors open. And, yes, she would have walked right in if I hadn’t shut the door. Also, note the over-turned table. Other yaks were using that as a scratching post. Guess it’s time to repair some fences and put up our screen doors.

But there’s more to the story. This is Asha, our bottle calf from three years ago. Her mother was not able to nurse and bond with her, so we took care of her. For several weeks, she slept inside at night. During the daytime, we kept her in an enclosure on the porch.

We moved her outside permanently when she was a few weeks old. She did try coming in the house a few times after that. So maybe she still considers the house a place she should be able to visit when she wants to spend time with her human family.

In any case, she has grown up to be a very sweet, docile yak. We adore her.